Welcome Qin Li、Xie Sheng、Liu Xisheng and Xue Lei join I-LIKE family!

We all know, Monday is a good day. On this day, we added four new members in I-LIKE family, they are Qin Li(International Trade Sales Engineer)、 Xie Sheng(Product Web Design Engineer)、Liu Xisheng(Financial Accounting Management Engineer) and Xue Lei(International marketing engineer). They went through a series of interviews and assessment, and they will pursue their dream here.

We had an welcome ceremony after the morning meeting that hosted by Julia, yes, the host was Julia, so, where was our Jessica? oh, she was attending the advanced training of human resources(Fortunately, she shot a video to four members). Then Eric had a speech after Julia’s opening remarks.

Finally, it’s time to cut the cake, everybody just sitting around and taking picture, check the follows picture out if you want to know more!

Welcome Qin Li、Xie Sheng、Liu Xisheng and Xue Lei join I-LIKE family!

Welcome Qin Li、Xie Sheng、Liu Xisheng and Xue Lei join I-LIKE family!

Welcome Qin Li、Xie Sheng、Liu Xisheng and Xue Lei join I-LIKE family!

Welcome Qin Li、Xie Sheng、Liu Xisheng and Xue Lei join I-LIKE family!

Welcome Qin Li、Xie Sheng、Liu Xisheng and Xue Lei join I-LIKE family!

Welcome Qin Li、Xie Sheng、Liu Xisheng and Xue Lei join I-LIKE family!

Welcome Qin Li、Xie Sheng、Liu Xisheng and Xue Lei join I-LIKE family!

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