Welcome Allen join I-LIKE family!
Welcome Allen join I-LIKE family!

Welcome Allen join ILIKE

September 9,the day that Allen officially entered into I-Like group,it’s a new day for him to get a start on his career.At the same time,everybody in I-Like also showed a warm welcome,and began morning meeting.

Welcome Allen join I-LIKE family!

Morning meeting

As usual,we have an welcome ceremony after the morning meeting that hosted by Jessica,and then,Eric Peng,the general manager of I-Like made a short speech .

Welcome Allen join I-LIKE family!

Eric make a short speech

Part two:the old employees expressed their good wish to the new one!

Welcome Allen join I-LIKE family!

Jessica hoping all the best to Allen

Cakes also was prepared this time,you can check our group photo as follow,but~~~~~~~~~(— 。— !)

Welcome Allen join I-LIKE family!

Allen and everybody

The next one is totally different!!

Welcome Allen join I-LIKE family!

Everybody say Hi

Welcome Allen join I-LIKE family!

Nicole and Allen

Welcome Allen join I-LIKE family!

Allen and Blanca

At present,our team is expanding gradually ,there’s no denying that we can learn a lot in here,since we are the I-Like people who full of positive energy!!

Welcome Allen join I-LIKE family!

I-Like family

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