Great Job in Automechanika Frankfurt 2016

 Aeropak has done a great job in Automechanika Frankfurt 2016, and we have thousands of customers and visitors coming to our booth, many of them showed great interest in our products, especially favoring our Aeropak design.

Great Job in Automechanika Frankfurt 2016

We have also met some of our cooperated customers, and we promise again that we will protect their interest in their markets, and we have taken actions by forwarding the customers we received in the fair to our sole agents in the markets.

Great Job in Automechanika Frankfurt 2016

Great Job in Automechanika Frankfurt 2016

Work with AEROPAK is not just a business, it is a longlife partnership, and we carry out our words by action!

Great Job in Automechanika Frankfurt 2016


See you in AAPEX #9661 America on Oct 30th-Nov 3rd in Las Vagas.

Great Job in Automechanika Frankfurt 2016

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