Welcome Allen join ILIKE
September 9,the day that Allen officially entered into I-Like group,it’s a new day for him to get a start on his career.At the same time,everybody in I-Like also showed a warm welcome,and began morning meeting.
Morning meeting
As usual,we have an welcome ceremony after the morning meeting that hosted by Jessica,and then,Eric Peng,the general manager of I-Like made a short speech .
Eric make a short speech
Part two:the old employees expressed their good wish to the new one!
Jessica hoping all the best to Allen
Cakes also was prepared this time,you can check our group photo as follow,but~~~~~~~~~(— 。— !)
Allen and everybody
The next one is totally different!!
Everybody say Hi
Nicole and Allen
Allen and Blanca
At present,our team is expanding gradually ,there’s no denying that we can learn a lot in here,since we are the I-Like people who full of positive energy!!
I-Like family